I think everyone knows that womens pregnition is nothing than a combination of a womens egg and a male severs to form a fertified egg,and camping on the inner wall of the worths is considered a successful pregnition,and if it is in the same room during排卵,it can help to增加受孕的机会。女性每月只排出一个卵子。如果卵子排出后不与精子结合,就会被人体消化吸收,最终随月经排出体外。“Ovi”出院后能存活多久?想尽快怀孕,“不要错过这个”3天。
After the ego is removed from the ovary,it will survive for 1 to 2 days,and the fifting level is the powerst within about 15 to 18 hours after the exclusion,and then over time,the fifting ability will alrea** fade away,and the male severs will survive for about 2 to 3 dayS进入人体后,如果你想成功怀孕并增加受孕机会,那么在排卵期寻找它。有自己的排卵日真的很重要。
if you can be in the same room on the day before the
0x251C egg day,it is more abilities to the combination of severs and egg.当然,如果你觉得不安全,你也可以在排卵当天和排卵后排卵。如果你有一天在同一个房间怀孕,你很快就会怀孕。