The basic bo** temperature of women varies with the mechanical cycle.卵泡期体温较低,排卵日最低。排卵后基础体温可升高0.3~0.5°C,临床上可作为排卵日期标志之一。早晨后,通过连续测量基础体温,总结女性月经周期的规律性,预测下一周期可能的排卵日,前后在同一房间有相同的妊娠机会,进行舌下测量。预测排卵日期。基础体温是了解女性生理周期的有效途径。
Womens mechannel cycle begins on the first day of the mechannel cycle,the length of the cycle varies from person to person,ranging from 21 to 35 days,0x251C.
on average about 28 days.以排卵日为间隔,分为排卵前期,排卵后的卵泡期与黄体期有关。在此期间,基础体温高或低。那么,基础体温低的原因是什么呢?(1)if there is no怀孕,when the corpus luteum萎缩stops the secretion of lutein,the bo** temperature will drop,return to the basic line,mechanal cramps.
(2)if the ovation function is poor,no exception or corpus luteum formation,and bo** temperature will continue to be low.